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Bowman Park Camp
Bowmanstown, PA, 18030
Phone: 610-852-2101

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Current Average Rating : 5.00


As we celebrate our 118th Campmeeting season, many new and exciting challenges await us. The object of Bowman Park remains to "... promote the cause of Biblical Christianity through the preaching of God's word and the teaching of Christian Principle ...." Even so, there are many aspects of ministry here at camp, and we need your help and prayers.

We receive no funding from the Annual Conference and are fully supported by the generous giving of individuals and local United Methodist and other evangelical Christian congregations.

We gratefully appreciate the many who have supported this ministry in past years and continued prayer and financial support is needed for this season and the future. We have many volunteers who serve as officers, counselors, teachers, kitchen help, maintenance workers, builders, etc. All are critical to the life and ministry of the Campmeeting.

Our current officers include: Pastor Richard E. Wilcock, pastor of Conestoga UMC, Conestoga, PA, President; Pastor Alan J. Smith, pastor of Tabor UMC, Woxall, PA, First Vice-President; Mrs. Violet Leibenguth, Second Vice-President; Pastor Kenneth A. Klingborg, pastor of Chapman Quarries & Bushkill UMCs, Secretary; and Mrs. Mary Ann Repsher, Financial Secretary-Treasurer.


Camp Type:
Year Established:
Age of Campers:
all ages
$700-$750/wk (Please contact camp for exact pricing.)
Nearest Large City:


  • General


(Please contact camp directly for updated session schedule.)

July 25 Service at 7:00pm
July 28-31 Children’s Camp — 28th Annual Camp
August 1 Service at 7:00pm
Aug 8-14 Junior Camp — 46th Annual Camp
    Services each night at 7:00pm with different staff sharing each evening

Thursday - Campers Musical


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This camp is the best I've ever attended. It's a marvelous use of the land it occupies. This year children's camp is from the 24th to the 27th of July at a cost of $50. Junior camp is from the 7th to the 13th of August at a price of $110. Youth camp has passed but next year will be from the 7th to the 16th of July at a price of $160. your children will love the experience and learn a lot from it. I certainly have. the campmeeting was established in 1891 and has been going ever since for 120 years.
Comment on : 18 July, 2011
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