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Camp Groove
Cambridge, MA, 02141
Phone: (617) 868-1118

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That’s quite the mouthful, so what does it mean?

  1. We want you to have FUN! Whether you are 13 or 30, you probably didn’t pick up an instrument to be miserable, you picked it to have fun. We realize some students want to be serious and pursue music as a career, but others want it as a hobby.

  2. You have options here. We’re not a classical conservatory, and we’re not rock school. We offer something that you won’t find elsewhere, and that’s a choice. You can study hip hop here, you can study jazz. You can learn Beethoven, and you can learn Zeppelin.

  3. You’re going to perform here. We’re not going to stick you in a stuffy recital hall, by yourself, in front of an audience of parents only, we’re going to put you in a professional club, with an audience of music lovers. People are actually going to scream…not just clap politely

This is it. The big Kahuna! This is also where we start bragging, and tell you that we do this better than any other school out there. What school is going to feature you at the best clubs in Boston – School of Groove! What school is going to feature you at the biggest music festivals in New England – School of Groove. What school employs people that have actually directed professionally run stage productions – School of Groove.

It’s not usually something that schools talk about a lot, so we’re going to take advantage of that. SCHOOL OF GROOVE PUTS ON THE BEST STUDENT PERFORMANCES…PERIOD. If you don’t think so, then show us somewhere else the does…


Camp Type:
Year Established:
Age of Campers:
All ages
$450-$500/wk (Please contact camp for exact pricing.)
Nearest Large City:


  • Rock Climbing
  • Music


(Please contact camp directly for updated session schedule.)

Session 1: July 5-31

Session 2: August 2-14


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