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Science Adventures - First Congregational Church
Bethel, CT, 06801
Phone: (203) 743-1877
Fax: (203) 743-1890

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The Annual Meeting of the First Congregational Church of Bethel was held on Sunday, January 28, 2002.  It was called to order at 11:35 by Moderator, Randy Stephens.  After a quorum was attained, a prayer by Rev. Sheldon Smith, and the call being read, the following business was discussed and acted upon.

            The minutes of the Annual Meeting in 2001 were accepted.  The reports in the Annual Report minus the reports of the Trustees and the Nominating Committee were then accepted as amended by correcting small errors.

            The Treasurer explained the budget and announced that we have in effect a balanced budget.  Jane Ellingwood presented an amendment to the budget that would “Change the dollar amount in Basic Support, 101, Fairfield East dues, and our local outreach from the proposed amount to$5,500.00.”  This amendment passed unanimously.  The Budget for the year 2002  passed unanimously.

Denny Pearsall proposed the following amendment:  “In the future, when we plan our budget, we try to work toward reaching a 12% of the annual budget for Basic Support, Fairfield East, and local outreach.”  This motion passed.

            The Nominating Committee presented its report and received nominations from the floor to fill some of he empty spots.  The report of the Nominating Committee passed unanimously.

            The Constitution Revision Committee answered any questions and referred others to their report in the Annual Report.  They hope to get it passed by the end of March so they can set a schedule of implementing the revisions.

            The Trustees included in their Annual Report a report about paying down the mortgage.  Meanwhile, the Trustees would like the Congregation to read their report and cabinet will set a date for a meeting to vote for this idea.

            In continuing business, Lil Emmons asked for one or two volunteers to take the course that the State of Connecticut requires before an organization can use its kitchen to serve food to the public.  Lil took this course several years ago and has been handling the permits since then.  However, Lil would like some help in this area and would like volunteers to take the course.  There were no volunteers.


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Day  Residential 
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All Ages
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  • Science
  • Adventure
  • General
  • Art


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