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Camp Laughing Waters
Gilbertsville, PA, 19444
Phone: 215-564-4657
Fax: (215) 564-6953

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For over two decades, Girl Scouts have recognized outstanding women for their breakthrough leadership and community service at our annual Take The Lead event.Our past honorees serve as role models to the next generation of women leaders. Please help us continue the tradition by nominating a woman whom you believe is deserving of this recognition. Download the nomination form that corresponds to your geographical area and follow the instructions for submission. The deadline for submission is November 5. Don't forget to save the date.One of our neighboring Councils kicked off its Cookie Program on Friday, January 8, which triggered a few announcements--in geographic areas where regional media coverage overlaps--that implied our program was also underway. The GSEP Cookie Program kicks off Thursday, January 14 and runs through March 7.Once again, members are invited to participate in a Council-wide Earth Day Service Project. GSEP will support this effort by providing a list of suggested activities for Service Units, Troops and individuals. We will also encourage you to come up with your own ideas and share them with the rest of the Council. Based upon the success of last year, we have set a goal of 16,000 hours for our 2010 project. With your help, we can reach our goal and “make the world a better place, one hour at a time”.


Camp Type:
Year Established:
Age of Campers:
7 - 12
/wk (Please contact camp for exact pricing.)
Nearest Large City:


  • Equestrian and Horseback Riding
  • General
  • Horseback Riding, English
  • Horseback Riding, General
  • Horseback Riding, Western
  • Waterskiing


(Please contact camp directly for updated session schedule.)

Please visit the website for getting more information about camp dates and rates.


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