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Dream Street
Malibu, CA, 90212

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Founded in 1988, Dream Street provides camping and support programs for children and young adults with terminal, chronic and life threatening illnesses.Annually over 700 children with cancer aids, cystic, fibrosis, blood disorders and other serious illnesses enjoy activities they would normally be restricted from due to their illness.

For those children who require medicine daily or several time a day the usal sleep-away camp is not sufficiently sophisticated to handle their medical needs. At dream steet volunteer counselors, as a complete medical staff are on help to spend dndless hours with any child who need special help and love.A staff pf nurse psychologists, social workers and doctor are present 24/7 providing round the clock medical coverage.

At present dream street funds and operates programs in california, arizona arkansas mississipi and new jersey.

camp sessions are free of charges to the campers who attend.There are NO PAID salaries within the dream street foundation. Dream Street is public non profit organization.

Dream Street brings the dream of noraml childhood activities to reality for these children. it is and environment in which no child sits on the sidelines or has to worry about being different.


Camp Type:
Day  Residential 
Year Established:
Age of Campers:
/wk (Please contact camp for exact pricing.)
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  • General


(Please contact camp directly for updated session schedule.)

Kids Camp

August 15- 21, 2010

Young adult programm

July 4-11, 2010


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