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Camp Chomeish for Girls
Moodus, CT, 06469
Phone: 203-371-0104
Fax: (203) 371-7434

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Over the course of eight incredible summer seasons, Camp Chomeish has set the standard. Inspiring true chassidishe pride and joy in our daughters while giving them the camping experience of a lifetime.

Since our very first summer, the hand-picked staff and comprehensive learning program, have been highlights of the Chomeish summer experience. We offer a full variety of recreational & sports activities and home-style meals, plus; drama, swimming, crafts, hikes, boating, trips and more!

We’ve recently purchased a sprawling, 21-acre resort in Moodus, Connecticut. The new picture-perfect campus is 2½ hours from New York and boasts an Olympic-sized swimming pool, lodge-style air-conditioned cabins & facilities, and a private boating pond!

Camp Chomeish accepts a limited number of applicants to ensure a warm and personal growth opportunity for each camper.

Sign up today to enjoy a summer of unmatched inspiration and pure fun.

Rabbi Sholom B. Stock, Director

Camp Chomeish is named in living memory of Rebbitzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson ob"m, wife of The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, MH"M.

The word ChoMeiSH is an acronym formed from her name. Rebbetzin Chaya (Moussia) Mushka Schneerson was born near the Russian city of Lubavitch, on the 25th of Adar in 1901 she was the second daughter of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak and his wife, Rebbetzin Nechama Dina Schneersohn. From her earliest years, she absorbed the purity and holiness that surrounded her, in the house of her grandfather and her father.

On the 14th of Kislev in 1928 she was married to "The Rebbe", in Warsaw, Poland. In 1940 her father miraculously arrived in the United States on the last boat to cross the Atlantic Ocean before the U boat blockade began.

Her striking regal bearing, her gentle sense of humor, and her compassionate consideration and sensitive manner endeared her to all, as illustrated in the following story. In May 1940, the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin, fled to Nice, France. In the course of their flight, there was a devastating bombardment. As people ran in every direction, she noticed an explosive shell heading towards a man next to her. Quickly pushing him to the ground, the Rebbetzin saved the man's life. Recounting this story the Rebbetzin said: "True, I saved his life, but for pushing a Jew one must repent."

The extraordinary respect that the Rebbe accorded to the Rebbetzin gives us a glimpse of her true stature.

Once, the Lubavitch Women's Organization sent her a bouquet of flowers, together with a list of individuals for whom blessings were requested. Setting aside the flowers for the Rebbetzin, the secretary passed the letter to the Rebbe who, observing that it was addressed to his wife, asked his secretary to give it to her, saying: "She too is capable of giving blessings."

The Rebbitzin passed away on Wednesday the 22nd of Shevat, 1988 after a brief illness. Her burial took place a few hours afterwards at the Chabad cemetery in Queens, New York. Shortly before her passing, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka requested a glass of water. After reciting the blessing, "…by whose word all things come in to being," she returned her soul to her Maker. In a farewell to a true queen, the funeral procession was fifteen thousand strong, led by an official police motorcade.

In the years following her passing, hundreds of Lubavitch institutions around the world have been established in honor of her memory, many mikvahs bear her name and numerous publications and periodicals were also dedicated to her memory.

It is with profound reverence that Camp Chomeish of New England carries her name as an everlasting remembrance.


Camp Type:
Year Established:
Age of Campers:
All Ages
$150 - $300/wk (Please contact camp for exact pricing.)
Nearest Large City:


  • General


(Please contact camp directly for updated session schedule.)

Summer 2010 - 1st Trip

16 Tammuz/June 28– 15 Av/July 26

Summer 2010 - 2nd Trip

15 AV/July 26–, 13 Elul/August 23


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