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Camp Sturtevant
Sierra Madre, CA, 91025

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Sturtevant Camp is located in the beautiful Big Santa Anita Canyon above the communities of Sierra Madre and Arcadia in southern California. This is roadless country and requires the visitor to travel by foot through a great variety of vegetation indigenous to southern California. Click here for details about hiking into Sturtevant Camp.

Proceed down this steep, single lane paved road (gated to public vehicles) which descends to the canyon bottom and foot bridge. The distance to the foot bridge (Roberts Camp) from the parking area is 7/10 of a mile (looking at this first sign, but 6/10 of a mile looking at the sign at Roberts Camp!), with 400' feet of descent.

The trail route continues from here in the form a narrow dirt road which follows the stream up canyon, passing check dams (crib-like structures installed in the stream bed in the early sixties to mitigate erosion) and a number of quaint cabins. The road soon peters out and becomes a single-track hiking trail that continues on up the canyon under a canopy of white alder, bay, live oak and big leaf canyon maples.

Whichever way you go, you'll end up at Falling Sign Junction (Don't ask me why it bears this name--the sign is as sturdy and erect as any of them!). Continue toward Cascade Picnic Area and Spruce Grove Campground. The sign incorrectly labels Spruce Grove as Spruce Group.


Camp Type:
Year Established:
Age of Campers:
all ages
$500-$550/wk (Please contact camp for exact pricing.)
Nearest Large City:


  • General Sports
  • General


(Please contact camp directly for updated session schedule.)

Please visit the website for dates and rates.


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