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Rising Sun at Redhook
Rhinebeck, NY, 12572
Phone: 800-262-0136 or 845-876-4331
Fax: 845-876-4278

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In the course of the eight weeks they spend together, campers encounter opportunities that stimulate their intelligence and imagination as they learn to assume increasing responsibility for themselves and others.

Campers are encouraged to suggest and plan projects for individual or group undertaking. They also help direct the camp’s daily operations.

In sharing experiences and ideas, they come to a new understanding of the world and of themselves. New friendships become lifelong ones.


Each camper chooses two areas of interest from among the group activities scheduled for the morning and works on a construction project in the afternoon. Instruction in camping and outdoor skills, environmental studies , construction skills, athletics, dramatics, music and photography are regularly offered by counselors. Campers also give instructions when they have special knowledge or skills that other campers wish to learn. Each campsite has a director and several counselors (many of whom are teachers, former counselors or college students from many parts of the country and abroad) chosen for their skills and trained before camp opens in assisting each camper to develop his or her leadership potential. Campers take an active role in running the camp and are given responsibility for as much of the program as is practical. They produce their own newspapers, put on dramatic productions and organize camp events. Lessons in leadership come as they direct each other in useful chores such as waiting on tables and taking care of the buildings and campgrounds.


Camp Type:
Year Established:
14 to 15
Age of Campers:
14 to 15
$500-$650/wk (Please contact camp for exact pricing.)
Nearest Large City:


  • Backpacking
  • Leadership
  • Music
  • Basketball


(Please contact camp directly for updated session schedule.)

Please visit the website for dates and rates.


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